Sacred Texts and Wealth

Bitcoin as the Modern Ark

Welcome to the first installment in a series exploring the intersection of sacred texts and wealth. In this inaugural piece, we'll draw inspiration from the Holy Bible, examining its teachings on wealth accumulation and preservation through the lens of Bitcoin.

As Bitcoiners, we often find ourselves immersed in the cutting-edge world of digital finance, but it's worth pausing to consider how ancient wisdom can illuminate our path.

The Bible, a text revered by billions, offers profound insights into wealth, its accumulation, and its preservation. Proverbs 13:11, a verse close to my heart, states, "Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow."

In today's world of fiat currency, riddled with inflation and manipulation, it's easy to see this "dishonest money" in action. Its value erodes over time, like sand slipping through our fingers. Yet, the diligent – those who plan and save – are promised growth.

This resonates deeply with the Bitcoin ethos. We're a community of builders, relentlessly working towards a sounder monetary system. We gather our Satoshis little by little, confident in Bitcoin's inherent scarcity and appreciating value. This diligence is not just about individual gain but also about building a resilient financial future for ourselves and generations to come.

But what about Proverbs 21:5, "The plans of the diligent lead to plenty, but everyone who is hasty comes to poverty"? Institutions, both good and bad, have diligently built wealth throughout history. While some have noble intentions, like preserving family fortunes or funding charitable causes, others have amassed wealth through exploitation and deceit.

For the everyday person, diligently building wealth often feels like an uphill battle. Traditional financial systems are rigged against us, with inflation eating away at our savings and Wall Street gatekeeping opportunities.

Bitcoin levels the playing field. It's a permissionless, open network where anyone can participate. By stacking sats, we're not just saving; we're investing in a future where financial sovereignty is within everyone's reach.

Matthew 6:19-21 urges us, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth... But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven." This heavenly treasure is often interpreted as spiritual wealth, but I believe it speaks to the importance of securing our earthly wealth as well.

Traditionally, trusts and institutions have acted as "heavenly vaults," safeguarding wealth for future generations. These structures are often established for causes beyond one person's selfish interests, requiring immense diligence and coordination.

Bitcoin, however, offers us something unprecedented: the power to create our own "heavenly institutions" without intermediaries or central authorities. Multisignature wallets, requiring multiple keys to authorize transactions, provide a secure, transparent way for families or groups to manage their wealth collectively.

Yet, even with such a powerful tool at our disposal, many families struggle to establish these "heavenly institutions." Take my own experience as an example. I diligently set up a multisig wallet with my family, envisioning a shared Bitcoin treasury. We made initial deposits, tested transactions, and established protocols. But despite my best efforts, the project fizzled out. Some family members lost interest, wallets were deleted, and keys were lost.

This highlights the profound truth in Proverbs 21:5. Even with the best intentions and tools, diligence is paramount. Building and maintaining a "heavenly institution" – whether it's a family trust or a Bitcoin multisig wallet – requires ongoing commitment, communication, and education.

But the potential rewards are immense. By overcoming the inertia and embracing the diligence required, we can create lasting legacies, ensuring our wealth transcends generations and contributes to a brighter future. Bitcoin makes this possible for everyone, democratizing the tools of wealth preservation and offering a path towards a "heaven on earth" for our descendants.

So, let's not just be holders of Bitcoin, but builders of a new financial paradigm. Let's embrace the diligence required to create "heavenly institutions," and in doing so, build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come.